Thursday 13 June, 2019

John 14:1-4


Memory Verse:
John 14:1

Toward the end of 1943, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Joseph Stalin were scheduled to meet in Tehran, Iran, to discuss strategy in the water against Germany. As the three Leaders prepared for the trip, made even more dangerous by the ongoing war, Roosevelt wrote to Churchill and expressed some concern over the meeting location. He feared that Tehran was in range of German bombers and they could be subject to attack. Churchill sent back this message: “See St. John chapter 14, Verses 1 to 4.”

Those nine words and the truth of the Verses Churchill referenced, contain the cure for worry in any situation of life. Our faith is not that nothing will ever go wrong. Jesus spoke these words just hour before He was put to death on the cross; but He assured that God is in control and our eternal destiny is secure in Him. The more we believe in God, the less we worry. Troubled hearts reveal that we are not trusting Him as we should.

The reminder that Jesus gave to His disciples just before the crucifixion was that there is more than this world in our future. The burdens and troubles and trial of life are real but they are temporary. And the God who sees us through them has an eternity prepared for us. Nothing that anyone or anything in this world can do will change that. It is settled and secure according to the unfailing promise of Almighty God. Stop those worries now and hold on to God’s solution to worries – the Scriptures.

The Word of God is the solution for worry.

Oh Lord, remind me to always search the Scriptures in times of worry.

Jeremiah 22-23;  Matthew 24: 29-51.
For More Details Contact:
Comrade Okizo Nnoke
Double Destiny Global Outreach
34 Aba/Owerri Road, P.O.Box 2117 Aba. Abia State, Nigeria.


Wednesday 12 June, 2019

Judges 5:1-4


Memory Verse:
Psalm 78:72

Leadership is a trust and call to responsibility. The task is about going the way and showing the way. It is the Job of being in the front and showing by example how to live the good life, achieve purpose and fulfil destiny. Being a leader is not a title, rather a mantle. It involves making every effort one can in order to leave a people or an organisation better than you met them.

And as it is usually the case, it requires sacrifices, vision, courage, team spirit and moral rectitude. Our text reveals that when a person is trusted with leadership assignment and he or she does it well, people willingly offer their best in support.

So when people are disgruntled, depressed and unwilling to support leadership, a question usually arises: is the leader really leading well? Leading is not same as lording. It is not the imposition of one’s whims and caprices. It is not forceful domination.

Fortunately, almost everybody is a leader in one way or the other. When we do our leadership job at whatever capacity we find ourselves the continuum extends to the entire society and life gets better. Are you a parent, senior sibling, class monitor, school prefect, teacher, civil or public servant or someone assigned to any position of responsibility, please do your job well. As we join the rest of Nigerians to mark this year’s Democracy Day, may we attempt to be distinguished as leaders who lead well!

Good leaders generate great followers.

Lord, help me to be a good leader.

Jeremiah 20-21;  Matthew 24: 1-28
For more details contact:
Comrade Okizo Nnoke
Double Destiny Global Outreach
34 Aba/Owerri Road by Nicholas P.O.Box 2117. Aba. Abia State. Nigeria

A Lost Opportunity

Monday 11 June, 2019

Luke 23:39-44


Memory Verse:

Jesus, the Word of God, remains infallible from generation to generation and cannot be thwarted. He is so merciful yet cannot condone evil irrespective of who commits it. The only remedy is repentance. Anyone that repents, gets instant forgiveness and acceptance. When one repents from one’s evil ways, Jesus washes away one’s sins with His precious blood and then accepts one into the family of the sanits. But, when a person hardens his/her heart and continues in sin. He/she is already condemned.

A story was told of a sick old man that saw hell fire while he was still alive. He started shouting fire, fire, but the only person around him did not understand the message. God showed him hell to give him the opportunity to accept Christ and escape hell fire but there was no one to help him. He lost that last opportunity and died a few days after. The second thief in our text today lost his last opportunity to escape hell fire. Instead of being sorry for his sins, he mocked the saviour of his Soul. The first, thief recongnising and being sorry for his sins, entered into eternal rest with the Master.

What are you doing with the opportunity before you now? Would you grab it and settle it with your maker? It may be your attitude, unforgiveness, pride, lying, lack of respect for superiors, grossip, bitterness, anger etc. Whatever yours is, settle it right here and now. Tomorrow may never come! The sick old man lacked someone to help him but you have ample opportunity before you now. Don’t let it slip away.

Grab this opportunity; don’t lose it.

May I always grab the opportunity to say ” I am sorry’ whenever I err in Jesus’ name.

Jeremiah 15-17;  Matthew 23: 1-22
For more details contact
Comrade. Nnoke Okizo
Double Destiny Global Outreach
34 Aba/Owerri by Nicholas P.O.BOX 2117 Aba, Abia State, Nigeria

Did you know that CHRIST is a good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.—John 10:11

Thoughts of the Day: 
The Bible uses the term “shepherd” for all kinds of good leaders. But only One is the quintessential Shepherd. He shows us that the heart of godly leadership is sacrifice not status, service not selfishness. We follow this Shepherd because we know he values us above his own life.
Holy and sacrificial Father, I am humbled to silence by your plan to have Jesus be both Lord and Lamb, Shepherd and Sacrifice. Thank you for giving me life by his death and leadership by his example. I offer you my undying thanks in Jesus’ name. Amen.
More details ;
Contact Evag.Nnoke Okizo. 34 Aba/ Owerri Road by Nicolas

P.O.Box 2117 Aba, Abia State. Nigeria. 08098766494